Upward social mobility

Three Sodexo employees sitting at a table and listeningBy providing training opportunities to all our employees, we create a more skilled workforce for the local economy. Our employees gain transferable skills and qualifications as well as a broader professional perspective that allows them to plan into the future. In particular, SoTogether (a Sodexo initiative to promote gender balance) provides opportunities for female employees to tackle bigger challenges and advance their careers without gender bias.


Partnering with local businesses

A woman holding up an item of clothing against a customerOur Partner Inclusion Program promotes the economic development of diverse and inclusive local businesses around the world. We are proud to support small and medium-sized businesses, suppliers of minority groups, and those with diverse workforces. In India, we focus our efforts on increasing the participation of women in the formal workforce, and we do so by role-modelling (by the women leaders in the company), mentoring and sponsorship.